
We know a thing or two about getting married in a remote area, away from the vendors of the big city. We were married on Mackinac Island in a little gazebo overlooking Lake Huron and the vastness of northern Michigan. Planning a wedding there was made even more difficult because they closed — as in we’re-closed-call-back-in-the-spring close — on October 15th and we got engaged on October 13th!

While it was a struggle, it got done and was everything we wished for. The seed was planted, however, to help other couples be able to plan their perfect wedding no matter how rural or remote the location. While we now live in northern Minnesota, the concept remains the same: help every happy couple access the information they need to plan the wedding of their dreams, no matter how big or small, whether in the woods, on the green, or near the water’s edge.

Congrats on your engagement and happy planning!